Boiling Springs and Cumberland Valley Roll to District 3 Titles

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Boiling Springs takes on Hamburg and wins the District 3-AA team wrestling championship at Milton Hershey School. At 145 pounds, Boiling Springs' John Vaughn defeats Hamburg's Matt James. 02/01/2014 Dan Gleiter |

Boiling Springs takes on Hamburg and wins the District 3-AA team wrestling championship at Milton Hershey School. At 145 pounds, Boiling Springs’ John Vaughn defeats Hamburg’s Matt James. 02/01/2014 Dan Gleiter |

By Jeremy Elliott |

Here is a look back at stories from earlier rounds of the District 3 Team Wrestling Championships.

PennLive also has you covered with district championships brackets and news from around the state leading into next week’s PIAA Team Wrestling Championships.

Check Out Brackets and Previous Stories from PennLive here!


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